Authors at the University of California, Santa Cruz now receive funding for open access publishing with Oxford University Press (OUP) through a four-year agreement with the UC Libraries.
Nearly 500 OUP journals are covered by this agreement, and authors may look up their journal in the Journal Open Access Look-up Tool.
To apply the funding to your article, follow the instructions in the FAQ, “If I choose to publish open access, how do payments work?”
Read important details for how our agreement with OUP works below.
Funding for Open Access Publishing with OUP
This agreement with Oxford makes a distinction between hybrid journals (i.e., journals that have both open access and subscription-based articles) and fully open access journals (i.e., journals in which all articles are published open access). Whether the journal is hybrid or open access determines the amount of funding provided to authors for original research articles. The support consists of:
- Hybrid journals: UCSC corresponding authors who publish open access in OUP hybrid journals receive an automatic $1,000 contribution towards the article processing charge (APC), along with the option for authors to select full coverage of the APC if they do not have research funds to pay the remainder.
- Open access journals: UCSC corresponding authors who publish in OUP’s fully open access journals receive an automatic $750 contribution towards the APC. At this time, a full coverage option is not available for fully open access journals owing to the financial constraints of the agreement.
The corresponding author means current affiliates (e.g., faculty, lecturer, staff, graduate student, etc.). Graduate students are eligible for up to a year after graduation.
Why are articles published in OUP’s hybrid journals eligible for more funding than articles published in OUP's fully open access journals?
Like most of UC’s transformative open access publishing agreements, UC’s agreement with OUP works by transitioning the libraries’ existing journal subscription funds to instead pay to support UC authors who publish open access. However, existing subscription funds are not sufficient to cover the full costs of open access publishing by UC authors in OUP journals. UC and its partners in the agreement, including institutions from SCELC and CSU, have carefully structured the agreement to provide the maximum level of support possible within these constraints.
UC is shifting its investment from paying to read OUP journals to paying based on UC authors publishing in OUP journals. Based on careful modeling of UC publication rates, baseline fees have been established, with the amounts paid in bulk by UC. The exact amounts paid will be determined by UC corresponding author choices to publish open access. Cost controls have been put in place so that the total owed by UC in any year of the agreement is bounded.
Reach of the OUP Agreement
In addition to UC, this open access publishing agreement with Oxford includes 20 California State University (CSU) campuses, and 30 academic and research institutions represented by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC).
If you have any questions about publishing with OUP, please reach out to the University Library at research@library.ucsc.edu.