Ways to Give

Direct Gifts

Gifts of cash, check, or credit card have an immediate impact on the University Library. Make checks payable to The UCSC Foundation. To charge a gift to a credit card click on one of the following library funds that you would like to support:

University Library Opportunity Fund

Science & Engineering Library Renovation

Special Collections and Archives

The Collectors Club

Elizabeth Remak-Honnef Center for Archival Research and Training (CART) Endowment

Grateful Dead Archive


The full-market value of gifts of appreciated securities is tax-deductible. In most cases, appreciation in the value of the security benefits the Library and is not taxable to the donor. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can be assigned to the UC Santa Cruz Foundation. Click here for the form.

Matching Gifts

Many employers will match employees’ gifts to the Library. Employees of eligible companies should request a matching gift form from their employer and send it completed and signed with their gift; the impact of the gift may be doubled or possibly tripled.


Library Endowments provide permanent funding for our collections. Every year income from endowments provides hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of library collections. The Library's current priority is to meet our students and faculty where they are: the digital space.

Planned Gifts

Real Estate

Real property, either in its entirety or in part, can be deeded to The UCSC Foundation to benefit the Library. It is possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by deeding a home to the Library while continuing to occupy the property for life.


In writing a will or living trust, donors can specify that they would like their estate to specifically benefit the UCSC Library through the UCSC Foundation (Tax ID # 23-7394590). Our staff can help to provide sample language to include in a bequest.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Donors may transfer money, securities, or real estate in trust to the Library and receive income for themselves or another for life. Donors may receive immediate tax benefits, and ultimately the Library receives the trust property. For further information about making a planned gift or bequest to UCSC, visit the UCSC Office of Gift Planning Web site.

Qualified Retirement Plans

Naming the UCSC Foundation as a beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan (IRA, KEOGH, 401(k) or 403(b)) may be particularly advantageous to donors; doing so may result in more assets being passed on to heirs than if the donor makes a bequest from other funds in the estate.  

Gifts of Materials

General Collection

The University Library has long appreciated gift materials from individuals and organizations. However, due to space constraints and the high cost of reviewing and processing donated materials, we no longer accept most donations of books and other materials for the general collection.

Rare & Archival Material

The Library does appreciate the offer of rare collections or archival materials. If you feel that your collection may have unusual value for the library, you are welcome to contact the Special Collections & Archives.


Email The Library Development Team, or call 831-502-0310.