Make a Bequest

Please consider including the UCSC Library in your will or estate plan. 

You might be able to make a bigger gift than you imagine, provide for your family, and leave a legacy that will enrich the library's users for many decades to come. 

The university has arranged many planned gifts, some of which provide current income. 

Students at table working on laptops

Members of the Legacy Circle are people like you who are committed to UCSC's mission. As someone who has included the University Library in your will, you, too, can enjoy the benefits of belonging to this group.


Your bequest language can be as simple as the following:

I hereby bequeath to the UC Santa Cruz Foundation (Foundation), incorporated as a tax-exempt organization to benefit the University of California, Santa Cruz (UNIVERSITY), located in Santa Cruz, California, the sum of _____ dollars [or alternatively, the ____% of residuary estate; or description of property, etc.] to be directed by the UNIVERSITY for the support of the University Library.


For more information, email the Library Development Team or telephone at 831-502-0310