Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Palmer

126 127 Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Palmer





Palmer, Darrow (1891-1968) and Palmer, Nina (? - 1967)

For the complete text [PDF] of Frederick A. Hihn and Santa Cruz in the Early 1900s (E-Scholarship) Includes complete audio (streaming or download) for the oral history. Note: Due to editing by the narrator and the Project, there may be minor differences between the audio recording and the transcript. Please quote from the transcript as the record and not the audio. Audio will be found under "Supporting Material."

1963, x, 50 pp., 5 illus.

Photo: Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Palmer in their garden, October 5, 1963.

Mr. and Mrs. Palmer were asked to comment on Frederick A. Hihn (1829-1913), who was one of Santa Cruz's wealthiest and most influential citizens. He played a major role in the development of the county's roads and railroads, founded the resort city of Capitola, owned and developed much of the Santa Cruz business district, owned the city waterworks, was involved in banking, and owned huge tracts of prime timberland in the county. In their youth, both Mr. and Mrs. Palmer worked for F. A. Hihn. They described Hihn and some of his business enterprises and discussed several of the major industries that were in Santa Cruz in the early 1900s.