Cultivating a Movement: An Oral History Series on Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming on California's Central Coast
The Oral Histories (By Narrator)
A complete alphabetical list of narrators which links to full text transcripts, audio clips, and photographs.
The Oral Histories (By Organization)
The sustainable agriculture and organic farming movement is rooted in a network of non-governmental and activist organizations, including many located on the Central Coast of California. On this site we have associated the narrators with the organization(s) they have helped to build. Includes links to full text transcripts, audio clips, and photographs.
The Oral Histories by Role (farmers, activists, researchers, etc.)
Interested in farmers' market managers, community supported agriculture, organic farming research? This portal organizes the archive of oral histories by category. Includes links to full text transcripts, audio clips, and photographs.
This documentary oral history project conducted by the Regional Oral History Project at the

University of California Santa Cruz’s University Library includes fifty-eight interviews with farmers, activists, researchers, and educators. It encompasses the 1960s through the present. Here you will find transcripts of all of the interviews in full text (PDF) format, along with audio clips from the oral histories, photographs, and additional resources in the eScholarship repository.
Audio Podcast:
New! Listen to the audio for a special celebration of Cultivating a Movement that took place at the UCSC Science and Engineering Library on October 14, 2010, featuring Congressman Sam Farr (one of the narrators for this project), University Librarian Ginny Steel, and Regional History's Irene Reti speaking about the oral history. Length: 55 minutes. MP3 format.