With Conocimiento, Love, Spirit, and Community: Rosie Cabrera's Leadership at UC Santa Cruz, 1984-2013

215 pages, 2015

Interviewer and Editor, Susy Zepeda

Portrait of Rosie Cabrera Photographer: Jim MackenzieTo read the full text [PDF] of With Conocimiento, Love, Spirit, and Community: Rosie Cabrera's Leadership at UC Santa Cruz, 1984-2013. University of California's Escholarship site.

Longtime director of El Centro, UC Santa Cruz’s Chicano/Latino Resource Center, and counselor and academic coordinator at UCSC’s Educational Opportunity Program, Rosie [Rosalee] Cabrera, mentored, advised, counseled, and inspired UCSC students for nearly three decades. “I can think of no one on campus more committed to helping our students reach their full potential as young scholars, leaders, and human beings,” wrote Larry Trujillo, Executive Director of Student and Academic Support Services, when he nominated Cabrera for the Outstanding Staff Award she received in 2009. In this oral history conducted by Susy Zepeda shortly before Cabrera’s retirement in 2013, Cabrera reconstructs the political and cultural climate at UCSC over three decades, sharing her memories of key Chicano/a and Latino/a campus figures, organizations, events, and student activism.

Photo: Jim MacKenzie