Kristine Anderson, Student Intern: was a second-year student at UC Santa Cruz at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course; her major was women's studies with an emphasis on women of color. She interviewed Antoinette Gonzalez.
Elizabeth Bennett, Student Intern: was a graduate student in sociology at UC Santa Cruz at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She interviewed Wendy Chapkis and Jessica Delgado.
Jesse Berg, Student Intern: was a senior double major in women's studies and art at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She interviewed Mercedes Santos.
Regan Brashear, Student Intern: was a senior in American studies at UCSC at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She is also the producer of a video, On Strike for Respect: UC Clericals and Lecturers' Strike of 2002 and works as an organizer for the Coalition of University Employees (CUE). Regan interviewed Deborah Abbott.
Valerie Jean Chase: graduated from UCSC in politics (Porter 1981), and has been a staff person at UCSC since 1985. She is currently the assistant college administrative officer (ACAO) at Merrill College. She is the co-editor of A Transported Life: Memories of Kindertransport , and Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions in Gardening . Valerie has also organized the American Indian graduation at UCSC and many other American Indian programs and events. Valerie interviewed Jean-Marie Scott, co-facilitated the Out in the Redwoods internship course, and served as a resource for many aspects of the project.
Alana Chazan, Student Intern: was a senior double major in history and politics at UC Santa Cruz at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She interviewed Ziesel Saunders.
Erin Colliau, Student Intern: was a senior in women's studies at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. Her focus was "transfeminism." She interviewed Rahne Alexander.
Sheila Della Ratta, Student Intern: was a senior in anthropology at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She interviewed David Kirk.
Michelle Espino, Student Intern: was a senior in women's studies at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She was also a student historian for Cowell College. Michelle interviewed Alan Sable.
Randall Jarrell, Project Design: is a senior editor and director of the Regional History Project. Jarrell received her B.A in History from San Francisco State University in 1969, and an M.A. in History from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1978.
Charlotte Jolliffe, Student Intern: was a third-year psychology major at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course, and graduated in 2003. She interviewed Celine-Marie Pascale.
David Kirk, Internship Course Assistance and Outreach: was staff at UCSC from 1972 to 2001, starting at the Office of Instructional Services, and then with the Media Services Department of the University Library. He was a founder of the Lesbian and Gay Men's Union at Cabrillo College (LAGMU), the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA) at UCSC, an activist with Committee United to Defeat the Briggs Initiative (CUDBI) and also a founder of Santa Cruz Gay Pride. He retired in 2001 and is now active with the GLBT Resource Center.
Patrick Letellier, Interviewer: was the program director for UCSC's GLBT Resource Center, and is currently a lecturer at UCSC in queer studies. He is also co-author of the groundbreaking book, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them and has written and lectured extensively on the topic of gay domestic abuse, as well as GLBT politics and history. He interviewed Scott Brookie.
Andrea Lowgren, Student Intern and Student Editor: is a graduate student in the history department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and has worked with the Project as a student editor. She interviewed Rachel Harwood and Carter Wilson.
Jacquelyn Marie, Archives Coordinator: was women's studies/reference librarian at the University Library, UC Santa Cruz from 1981 to 2001 and is now emerita. She was the archives coordinator for Out in the Redwoods, conducted several oral histories for the project, and co-taught the Out in the Redwoods internship course. Marie is the author of numerous articles, bibliographies, biographies, and review essays on feminist, lesbian, and gay issues, and has served on the board of the Women's Center at UCSC, and the Women's Health Center in Santa Cruz. She interviewed Alison Kim and Gwendolyn Morgan.
Irene Reti, Project Coordinator: is a senior editor with the Regional History Project, and has worked with the Project since 1989. She has lived in Santa Cruz since 1978, and graduated from UCSC (Kresge College) in 1982 in environmental studies and women's studies. She is a graduate student in the UCSC history department. She is the publisher of HerBooks, a nationally known lesbian feminist press founded in Santa Cruz in 1984, which has published twenty-five titles to date. Her publications include The Lesbian in Front of the Classroom: Writings by Lesbian Teachers, Lesbian Words: A Santa Cruz Anthology, The Keeper of Memory: A Memoir and Women Runners: Stories of Transformation. She interviewed De Clarke, Bill Dickinson, Robert Imada, John Laird, Ekua Omosupe, Tchad Sanger, Bill Shipley, and David Thomas.
Evelyn Richards, Student Editor: is a senior in community studies at UCSC, and worked as a student editor for the Regional History Project in 2002 and 2003. She interned with Generation Five, an organization building a movement to end child sexual abuse, and in lieu of a thesis will teach a class winter of 2004 about ending child sexual abuse and about the history of the anti-child sexual abuse movement. She says, "Working on the Out in the Redwoods Project has been an absolute pleasure. I'm inspired by these stories each and every time I read them."
Jesse Silva, Interviewer: graduated in community studies from UC Santa Cruz in 2000. His thesis was on queer youth in Dallas, Texas. He is now a government publications assistant at McHenry Library at UCSC and a library school student at San Jose State University. He interviewed Nancy Stoller.
Pamela Specht, Student Intern: was a junior at UC Santa Cruz with a major in women's studies at the time of the Out in the Redwoods internship course. She interviewed KC Bly.
Linda Yapiz, mother, student editor/intern/radical historian: is a cool chick with a very cool 4 year-old daughter, Lucy. A community studies major completing an extended field study internship with the Regional History Project, Linda has created the Out in the Redwoods website as part of her field project. A UCSC senior, she plans to attend law school upon graduation, and would like to pursue a career in teaching and public interest law.