The income from the Library Priority Fund is used to purchase needed materials for the University Library for which state funding is either insufficient or not yet available. This includes, but is not limited to, support for the new research and interdisciplinary fields, and for new technology as it develops.
One of the library's most exciting partnerships is with faculty exploring new directions. Before an academic program is fully developed, however, no state funding is available for library support. Material for new areas-- interdisciplinary works on the marine sciences, stimulating journals on change in Eastern Europe, books and videos related to exciting academic/ community activities such as Shakespeare/ Santa Cruz-- all must be acquired by diverting funds from established disciplines.
The Priority Fund, maintained through unrestricted gifts, is used for the library's greatest current unmet needs. While state funding helps maintain a collection that supports traditional disciplines, private gifts provide the margin of excellence a truly outstanding library needs. With this is mind, the Library Priority Fund was created. It helps us purchase materials for new research and interdisciplinary fields, as well as nontraditional formats-- video, electronic resources, and the like.