This endowment was established to update and expand the UCSC Library's outstanding core collection of materials on the South Pacific and Pacific Rim, a collection originally established in the 1970s with Long Foundation support. The endowment provides UCSC students and faculty with the print and electronic information resources they need to understand the diverse cultures and economies of the Pacific Rim and appreciate their unique impact upon the citizens of California. UCSC's enriched Pacific Rim collection is a primary resource for researchers and community members from the entire central California coast.
The J.M. Long Foundation was founded in 1966 by Joseph M. Long, the late co-founder of Longs Drug Stores. Mr. Long was a visionary who believed in people. He always felt strongly that he must give back to others, from whom he received much in his lifetime. With this in mind, he established a charitable foundation, now governed by its own Board of Trustees. The Trustees make grants to benefit organizations in the West involved in health care, medical research, education, and conservation of wildlife and land for public park and recreational use.
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Link to a news article, explaining how the grant from the J.M. Long Foundation will expand the Library's collection of books about the Pacific Rim.