Study Room Policies

Study Rooms:

Find and Reserve a Study Room

The University Library has 52 study rooms:

  • 36 in McHenry Library
  • 16 in the Science & Engineering Library

There are audio and video rooms in the David Kirk Digital Scholarship Commons on the Ground Floor of McHenry Library.  These rooms are specially equipped for using our music and video collections and for the listening and viewing of music and film-related assignments.. Students using the Adaptive Technology station will take priority over a student who does not require the use of the specialized equipment in those rooms.


  • These rooms are intended as a place for UCSC students to work and study
  • These rooms are not intended as meeting rooms for the business of the University or as general assignment classrooms


These rooms are a shared resource and access is informed by the UCSC Principles of Community

Please be decent to one another and share these rooms in a spirit of cooperation. If a problem arises, do your best to work it out. If you cannot come to an agreement, we are here to help. Contact library staff at the Service Desk if you need assistance.

Reservation Requirements and Limits:

  • A person must have CruzID gold credentials to make a reservation.
  • Rooms may be reserved for up to 4 hours at a time.
  • All persons are limited to a maximum of 4 hours per day of reservation time across all rooms (this time may be split).
  • Room reservations must be in consecutive (back-to-back) time slots, or booked as two separate reservations.
  • Rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance.
  • There is a 15 minute grace period for reservations. If the room is not being used at the end of the grace period, the entire reservation is forfeit. If you have forfeited your reservation but still have need of a study room, please find an alternate location.
  • Back-to-back reservations are not permitted but people may stay beyond their reserved time if there is no subsequent reservation and there is no one else waiting for a room to open. 
  • Food and drink may be consumed in accordance with the library’s Food and Drink Policy. Please clean up after yourselves and leave the room ready for the next user(s).


  • Each room has a whiteboard. Please use only appropriate markers and erasers, which can be borrowed at the entry level service desks.
  • Some rooms in McHenry Library have large monitors for sharing data. If you are having difficulty using the technology, please contact the IT Help Desk on the 2nd floor of McHenry Library (459-2486).
  • For your safety, do not place the rolling monitors or rolling whiteboards in front of the study rooms doors (California Fire Code 2016 1031.2).