Science & Engineering Library


Transforming an architectural gem on Science Hill into a modern center of academic discovery
and student success.

Click here to learn about naming opportunities at the Science & Engineering Library.

Students studying in libraryScience Hill at UC Santa Cruz is home to tomorrow’s astrophysicists, biomolecular engineers, environmental chemists, game designers, robotics developers, and leaders in scores of other fields.

A key resource for our students and faculty—the Science & Engineering Library—has been outpaced by rapid changes in technology, the workplace, and experiences that shape how science is explored and studied. We want to change that. Our goal is to transform it into a new center of academic discovery, interactive technology, collaboration, and social connection that serves today’s diversity of students. Woven into a stand of redwoods on Science Hill, the S&E Library is an architectural gem, but its infrastructure and interiors are largely unchanged since it opened in 1991.

Its new design will welcome and orient students. It will bring faculty and students together to explore ideas and bring them to life. It will give our graduates a competitive edge in the marketplace as they launch fulfilling careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

We invite you to be a part of making the S&E Library a modern center of discovery and student success.

To fund a group study room, name the information commons, the digital scholarship innovation studio, or the building, contact the Library Development Team.

Donate to the Science & Engineering Library Renovation.

Read more about the plans in the S&E Case statement file:

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